🏆Membership and Credits

Skyward Citizen and Shards

On the PlayEstates platform, Skyward Citizen members can use, purchase, or sell PNFTs with fiat currency and cryptocurrency. SHARDs can be utilized to redeem a discounted price. PlayEstates LLC will procure and manage real estate properties that support property NFTs giving members access to an asset that would otherwise be out of reach. PNFT holders will receive yield from staking after claiming.

📇 GSC: Genesis Skyward Citizen (NFT - Membership subscriptions)

  • Subscription-Based Membership Identity: Skyward Citizen NFT offers users a subscription-based membership identity within the PlayEstates platform.

  • Correlation with OWND Token: Skyward Citizen NFT is correlated with the OWND token, allowing for seamless exchange between the two.

  • Exchangeability with OWND Token: Users can exchange Skyward Citizen NFTs via OWND tokens, providing flexibility and utility within the platform ecosystem.

  • VIP Membership Benefits: Skyward Citizen NFT holders enjoy VIP membership benefits, including platform discounts, earnings multipliers, whitelist status, and priority rights on product releases and events.

🧱 SHARD: Reward points

  • Loyalty point system rewarding user engagement

  • Earn Shards through platform activities and transactions

  • Exchange Shards in the marketplace for PNFTs, OWND tokens, and partner services

Last updated